Customer loyalty, brand imageAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the image of the brand image, the description of customer loyalty and the effect of brand image on customer loyalty to the Harum Pucuk Tea product. Brand image variables have 3 dimensions, namely brand strength, brand favorability and brand uniqueness. Customer loyalty variable has 4 dimensions, namely repeatation, purchase product line, retention and recommendation. In this study the population is unknown and the number of samples is 96 people. In processing data, this research uses validity test, reliability test, normality test, descriptive analysis and simple linear analysis. The image of the brand is in a strong enough position, where the dimension that has the highest score is brand favorability with a score of 1121 (48.61%) and the lowest dimension is the Brand Streght dimension with a score of 424 (18.38%). The image of customer loyalty is in a fairly strong position, where the dimension that has the highest score is the repeatation dimension with a score of 716 (40.33%) and the dimension that has the lowest score is the retention dimension with a score of 304 (17.12%). Based on the analysis of the coefficient of determination, the R Square value is 0.693, which means that brand image affects customer loyalty by 69.3%.