Analisis Aplikasi Berbasis Website Surat Menyurat Analisis Aplikasi Berbasis Website Surat Menyurat


  • Fitrah Ali Akbar Setiawan
  • Aulia Maharani
  • Nuraini Siti Fathonah ULBI


Aplikasi,, Website,, Surat Menyurat




Aplikasi Berbasis Website Surat Menyurat is a web-based mail archiving application. This application serves to archive incoming and outgoing mail data. The process of archiving mail data makes it easier for users to archive data compared to archiving data without using a system. The analysis in this application will focus on the added features of incoming mail data and the database when inputting incoming mail data. The results of the analysis carried out resulted in a conclusion that this correspondence website-based application can help archiving and storing data become easier and safer and the database on this website-based application can run well to store the input data.


Keywords: Application, Website, Correspondence

