Perancangan Aplikasi Berbasis E-Commerce Pada UMKM Pengrajin Kulit Di Kabupaten Magetan


  • Santoso Santoso Politeknik Pos Indonesia
  • Iwan Setiawan Universitas Logistik dan Bisnis Internasional


Craft, kulit, e-commerce, umkm



 e-commerce is an information technology-based business concept that is currently quite developed. The  e-commerce concept can provide many conveniences and advantages when compared to conventional shopping concepts, meaning that all information can be accessed by consumers in more detail, quickly without being limited by place and time, and the transaction process can be carried out much more easily. The E-commerce-based Leather Craft MSME application will make things easier and more profitable for many parties, both consumers and sellers.

In this research, an application-based sales website was developed for leather crafts MSMEs that supports the marketing process and sales transactions via the internet. For software development methods, structured methods are used, namely Data Flow Diagrams and Entity Relationship Diagrams which are built using the PHP programming language, while for databases using MySQL / XAMPP.


Keyword: e-commerce, MSME, leather

