Rancang Bangun Webapp Data Pelanggan Dengan Integrasi WA Blast Sebagai Media Promosi Dan Pengawasan Pelanggan Di Kantor Pos Ciamis 46200.
WA Blast, Promosi Digital, Pengawasan Pelanggan, Node.js, API MongoDB, Kantor Pos Ciamis 46200Abstract
This web application is designed to enhance the
effectiveness of promotions and customer monitoring at
Kantor Pos Ciamis 46200. By integrating the WA Blast
feature, digital marketing strategies become more targeted
and can support the optimization of the company’s
promotions. The application also aims to strengthen
relationships and digital communication with customers
through promotional messages and visit reminders,
especially for customers who transact through the oranger
loket. Additionally, the organized management of customer
data within the application is intended to reduce the risk of
fraud. The application is developed using Node.js and
MongoDB API, with a focus on improving customer service
and monitoring