Logistik Dalam Beragam Perspektif; Evolusi Konsep, Praktik, dan Isu Kebijakan di Indonesia
daya saing negara, kinerja logistik, konvergensi logistik, logistik posAbstract
Logistics in terms of both conceptually and practically always emerge. Logistics issues concern on how to distribute products efficiently in order to satisfy customer requirements. There are many entities involved in performing logistics activites in the supply chain system. This article discusses the evolution of logistics concept and relating issues. Recently, the convergence of logistics emerges along with the changes of technology and environment. Postal service is naturally doing logistics activities. The activities of postal service cover all the spectrum of logistics business; collecting, handling, warehousing, transporting, delivery, and customer relationship management. Therefore, the government declared that the postal is the backbone of national logistics. Unfortunately, the regulation governing the logistics industry is still confusing, particularly in distinguishing the postal and logistics itself. Indonesia's logistics vision and objectives can be realized when there are conducive laws and regulations, adequate infrastructure, the availability of skillful labors, information technology support, and a world class logistics service provider that will encourage the realization of the superior commodities that will boost the competitiveness of the nation.
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