Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keterlambatan Pengiriman Item Radio Base Station (RBS) Menggunakan Metode Analytical hierarchy Process (AHP) (Case Study : PT Schenker Petrolog Utama)


  • Dodi Permadi
  • Ryeza Rahimi


Distribution is a series of movement activities of goods and documents from the first point to other point. Problems often arise in the distribution process is the delay. PT Schenker Petrolog Utama is one of the companies which engaged in logistics and freight forwarding services. One of the activities is the distribution logistics Radio Based Station (RBS) items. Over the last 7 months, there has been a delay in the delivery of RBS items. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the factors that affect the delay in delivery and the proposed improvements to deliver the RBS item. The analytical tool used in this research is the Cause - Effect Diagram (Fishbone Cause and Effect Diagram), Root Cause Analysis (RCA): 5-Why Analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process Method. Cause-Effect diagram used to discover what factors are causing the delay. 5-Why analysis is used for classifying these factors into criteria and sub-criteria and subsequently processed using the AHP. AHP process conducted by using 11.0 Expert Choice to determine the most dominant factor and priority improvements which can be proposed. Based on the analysis and discussion of the data processing, obtained the delays are caused by four main factors, which are documents, equipments, procedures and human resources with improvement alternatives system, Follow up and increasing the number of human resources.


