Usulan Perencanaan Ulang Tata Letak Area Gudang Departemen Prasarana Kereta Api Menggunakan Metode Shared Storage di PT PINDAD (PERSERO)
The problems that occurred in the department of railway infrastructure in the storage area, essentially a storage place is very important to support the storage process in a company, but the warehouse in the department of railway infrastructure has a problem, namely the difficulty in making products and warehouses for products so it should be stored amounts to 27 kinds of products in the warehouse, but in reality only a few products are stored in warehouses due to the mixing of the production with raw materials in the warehouse, and resulted in a number of products can not be stored in the warehouse.
Shared storage method is a method that is guided by the FIFO (First In First Out). A method which is done to create a warehouse layout that products placed carefully. The process of product placement adjusted to the floor area of ​​the warehouse, then sorted from the products most frequently in and out of the product into the warehouse to be placed closest to the door. Once you know the size of the warehouse according to see the size and width to accommodate products 27 products in the warehouse so that the acquisition of the warehouse size with a length of 17 meters and a width of 14.6 meters, further preparation of the product by looking at the activity of the product in and out of the warehouse to which at most, and space requirements, and then matched with the distance from the door to products such as E- spring clip with a distance of 3.5 meters and a value assigment7, so the product must be placed close to the door. Other products that also do like our calculations, it will get a warehouse layout that can be considered for future improvements.Based on the trial results at warehouse in Table IV.10 validity of the proposed improvements for the total process flow map time is 1 hour 40 minutes 21 seconds. When compared to the previous processing time is spent 1 hour 45 minutes 6 seconds, then after a proposed improvement warehouse layout can save time by 4 minutes 4 5 seconds. Warehouse supervisor can use to add time recording products into and out of the warehouse or can add time to the process of inspection of products in the warehouse and can also forkliftoperator can use the time to add the storage or retrieval of the product, so as to achieve the level of activity that is optimal for the process warehouse employee for the future.