In the world of today's industry vendor selection process is one important element in the procurement process barang.Kesalahan in vendor selection can be very crucial, because it can directly impact the continuity of the production process. PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (Indonesian Aerospace Inc.) is a manufacturing company that has been competent in the manufacture of aircraft and helicopters, repair and sale of spare parts. At this time PT. Dirgantara Indonesia has five vendors in the procurement of raw materials center wing, where the raw materials center of this wing is a vital raw material in the manufacture of center wing. There are several problems in purchasing raw materials center wing to vendors such is the quality of the raw materials center wing is not within specifications, delivery of raw material is not in accordance with the amount subscribed even the goods ordered are not delivered and also the price is not in accordance with PT. Dirgantara Indonesia so often happens in warehouse stock out of raw materials resulting in the production process to be blocked.
Analytic Network Process (ANP) is one method used to make the selection of vendors, the ANP can provide an overview of the feedback between the company and the vendor. How processing ANP method is to calculate the super matrix whose data obtained from questionnaires weights 1-9 which will be obtained by the value of CR is less than or equal to 0.1. The calculation is unweighted super super matrixnya matrix which then transformed into a super matrix weighted by the number of columns each 1 (one), the next step is limting super matrix to be weighted criteria and its influence on other criteria. ANP method chosen because it can consider the priorities of the factors in the selection of vendors so that people are able to choose the best alternative based on its purpose.
The results of the calculation of the priority vendor selection through Analytic Network Process (ANP) is obtained weighting raw materials vendor priorities, namely Align Aerospace and weighs 0.2672, then Sanxing Pte.Ltd weighs 0.1987, 0.1847 weight Tramec Aero, Wesco Aircraft hard ware Co. weight of 0.1826 and 0.1667 Airbus Helicopter with weights.