
  • Angga Dewi Anggraeni
  • Ratu Berlian


Marketing Communication, Brand Awareness, PT. Indonesian Fuchs


Brand awareness is one measure of the company's success in introducing its products into the market. The more people are aware of a brand, it proves that the delivery of the message produces a positive response and is accepted in the market. To build and increase brand awareness can be done by means of marketing communications. Marketing communication is a collection of communication tools that are arranged in such a way based on the strategy that has been decided by the company to inform, persuade, and remind them of a brand. One company that really pays attention to its marketing strategy is PT. Indonesian Fuchs. PT Fuchs Indonesia is a global company based in Germany. The company produces and is also the world's leading independent supplier of lubricants ranging from industrial oils to end consumers. In this study, researchers wanted to find out whether there was a significant effect between marketing communications on purchasing decisions at PT. Indonesian Fuchs. The research method used in this study is descriptive quantitative to answer the formulation of the research problem, while to answer the hypothesis using the causal associative analysis method. This study uses a sampling technique where the number of respondents in this study is 100 respondents with a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques using questionnaires through google form and literature study. In addition, the measurement scale used in this study is Semantic Differential by using simple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant (significant) effect of the Marketing Communication variable on Brand Awareness with a presentation rate of 54.8%, while for the other 45% it is influenced by other factors not examined in this study. Where the highest dimensions of Marketing Communication are Advertising and Direct Marketing, which shows that Fuchs advertising is able to attract consumers' attention so that consumers are interested in trying Fuchs products. In addition, fast, friendly, and efficient service can be an additional value for the company apart from quality products. The highest dimension on the Brand Awareness variable is unaware of the brand, brand recall, and top of mind, which means that the Fuchs brand has been recognized by the public and also the Fuchs brand can be remembered by consumers.





