Implementasi Pengukuran Kinerja Model Malolm Terhadap Keunggulan Bersaing PT. Pos Indonesia
Marketing is an inseparable part of a business that produces types of goods or services. Marketing strategy is an overall plan to achieve marketing goals. Realization of Sales at PT Astra International Tbk Toyota Auto Sales Operation (TSO) 2000 Pasteur Branch Bandung needs to estimate how the marketing strategy applied is:1. Explain about marketing strategies.2. Analyzing the marketing strategy applied by PT Astra International Tbk Toyota Sales Operation (TSO) Auto 2000 Pasteur Bandung Branch.3. To analyze the marketing strategy applied to PT Astra International Tbk Toyota Sales Operation (TSO) Auto 2000 Pasteur Bandung Branch. in increasing sales volume in the company.Marketing strategy is a set of marketing variables that can be controlled and integrated in the company to produce the desired response in the target market. In this study the method used is the Quantitative Method of research data obtained by distributing questionnaires to customers at PT Astra International Tbk Toyota Sales Operation (TSO) Auto 2000 Pasteur Branch Bandung. Based on the results of research conducted in the field shows that the marketing strategy is an overall plan to achieve marketing goals.