Pengaruh Iklan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Merchandise C-Corner Di PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia


  • Sigit Santosa
  • Popi Maidika Fatma


C-corner is one of the official merchandise from PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia that provides a variety of products in a train touch. In doing c-corner advertisements using body branding and wall panels on the train circuit. The advertisement is done to promote the product from c-corner. This study aims to determine the effect of advertising on purchasing decisions on c-corner merchandise. The method used in this study uses probability sampling. The data analysis technique used is descriptive with hypothesis testing simultaneously and partial. The results of the study illustrate that the highest percentage of advertisements are two items namely attention and desire while the F test and T test that have been carried out have significant values and have a positive effect, because the data obtained <0,05 is considered to have an effect on purchasing decisions.





