Entrepreneurial Behavior in the Success of Small Embroidery Industries in the City of Tasikmalaya


  • Prety Diawati
  • Rukmi Juwita


Entrepreneurship, Small Industry Success, Entrepreneurial Behavior


This study aims to describe entrepreneurial behavior using 90 respondents of business actors in the success of small embroidery industry centers in the City of Tasikmalaya. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach using descriptive statisticalanalysis. Entrepreneurial behavior at the Small Embroidery Industry center in the City of Tasikmalaya runs quite well can be seen from the results of Pearson correlation analysis there is an influence between Entrepreneurial behavior on the success of Small Industries. It can also be seen also from the calculation of the coefficient of determination. Then from the results oflinear regression analysis, namely; entrepreneurial behavior is said to be quite good, with this illustrating that all small embroidery industry activities that are included by business people / entrepreneurs have a perception that all this time is verydecisive. The influence of entrepreneurial behavior on the success of the industry concluded that the influence of entrepreneurial behavior on the success of small embroidery industries in the City of Tasikmalaya. This means that small business success in achieving success is related to activities or Entrepreneurial behavior.





